Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > cockatiels with indian ring necks

cockatiels with indian ring necks

23 10:00:52

I am getting a baby Indian ring neck on Tuesday, it is 4 months i was wondering if it would be safe to buy a baby cockatiel so my Indian ringneck wont be lonely as i cant afford to buy another ringneck.

good day
Indian ringnecks dont like socialising with cockatiels unless both are babies and they might get used to one another and become friendly however this must be under GREAT supervision. It is a huge risk as one bite of a ringneck can instantly bleed a cockatiel to death. As babies rignecks do not bite and therefore may be harmless however every now and then they might give it a bite and that would have a fatal impact that we want to avoid.

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