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wirrows cockatiles

23 10:14:05

Can I live a male weirro with femal befor eggs hatch if so what about after he wont hurt babies and what type of nest do they prefer I have a round wooden basket hope to here back from u thanks from Janet

Hi, Janet,

I found your question in the question pool this morning.  I don't know why it was not answered when you submitted it.

I'm not sure I understand your question(s), but I'll try to answer what I think you are concerned about.

The male and female cockatiels who are parents to a clutch of eggs need to stay together throughout the entire process of egg laying, incubation (the male shares this duty with the female), and raising the offspring, etc.  Do not separate 2 pair-bonded birds that are mating or about to lay eggs or that have laid eggs together.  With cockatiels, the male shares in the duties of incubating and caring for the hatchlings.  The female cannot do all of this by herself.  

I'm not sure cockatiels like their nest to be in the form of a basket.  Normally, birds prefer a nest that is closed on all sides, as well as the top and bottom, in order to afford protection to their eggs/babies, maintain heat, etc.  I use wooden nest boxes that are retangular in shape that have a lid that can be opened so you can check on the adults, babies, and so that you can clean the inside of the nesting box out when it needs to be cleaned.  Size tiels require is about 12 inches long, 6 inches high, and 6 inches wide.
