Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > parakeets


23 10:12:31

I want to buy two more parakeets and put them in the cage with 2 I already have. Is it OK to do that?

Dear Dee,
thank you for your question.
Parakeets get along very well with each other. But you cannot just put the new birds in the cage with the others, that might not work. A health check is a good idea, at least let an avian vet check a fecal smaple for parasites and do a crop smear. After a quaratine of two weeks, you can let the birds meet, btu they should have separate cages for the first day so that they can meet through the cage bars. On the second day, you can let them meet outside the cage. usually, this works very well and the birds will make friends fast. Then they can move into one cage.
It's best to have two males and two females or an all-male group. Females
I hope I was of some help to you