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How soon can lovebirds lay new eggs?

23 10:31:42

Hi Chrys,
We have 5 baby lovebirds, the youngest being about 6 weeks old. The mother has now laid a new egg and chased the babies out of the box. Is it too soon for the hatchlings to be healthy? It seems too soon to me, but I am just a novice bird raiser. Thank you!

Hi, Cynthia.  Thanks for posting.

In my experiences, baby lovebirds start to wean at about 4 weeks and complete the process at about 8 weeks (can vary with individual birds).  Six weeks may be a bit early for the youngest baby, but as long as it is thriving, it will be OK.  You may have to intercede and handfeed the younger ones if they aren't getting enough nourishment from the parents.  Daddy lovebird should be caring for the babies that are now out of the nest (this is what daddy parrots do!) and mama lovebird will tend to the newly laid eggs.  Birds will begin to lay a new clutch as soon as, or sometimes just before, the last clutch has left the nest.

Evidently, you didn't pull these babies from the parents at 10-14 days for handfeeding?  You will likely end up with a bunch of untame baby lovebirds on your hands (that you can't sell or give away) if you don't pull them and handfeed them.  If you don't want your adults laying eggs/hatching babies, remove their nestbox.