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taming ..etc?

23 10:13:09

i have two budgie who was seperated about 2 month ago because i wanted to tame them. its been working great, and now i can put my male on my finger and bring him out ONLY if i keep lettin him eat millet spray on my spray, no getting on hand. how can i train him to go on my finger and come out on my finger WITHOUT the snack? also my female budgie was REALLY scared of me and has JUST begun to get on my hand. not by willingly of course, but only when i put my finger on her favourite spot so she has no choice to get on my finger. well atleast i can actually get her on my finger right? what would be the next step for me and her?
recently, actually today, i put my male budgie in my females cage to see what would happen. they loved it, but the male mostly spent his time on HER snacks and toys. but they did love being together though. they looked like they were enjoying their time, so i kept them together for about 15 min. now im thinking that maybe i should put them together for maybe 30 min to an hour everyday? is this a bad idea? will it unravel all the taming work that i've done?

thank you for your question.
If the female sees your male eating from your hand, she will follow him eventually. Budgies are just too curious and too jealous about food not to.
I recommend keeping them together all the time. Budgies are very social and need a partner, in my opinion it would be cruel to separate them again now.

Clicker training is an excellent method of bird training. Basically, you reward a behaviour of the bird with a click (you can buy special clickers) and a treat. With the male, you can offer a small portion of millet spray on your hand and click as soon as he sets up on your hand. Repeat this a few times for a few days. Then you wait a bit until you offer the treat so that the time he spends on your hand without food is getting longer and longer.
This website has a lot more information on it:
I hope I was of some help to you