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23 10:18:00

Hi, I have 2 quakers fem an male Milly and Pilly they are 2 yrs old I hand feed them.I don't know what is wrong with Milly her vent seems red and big and she makes a noise like she is pushing or trying to pass something, hr vent was bleeding this afternoon. I live in Kenner, Louisiana and I don't know where to find an Avian Vet. Can you tell me what is wrong with her? do you think she is trying to pass an egg? she never had laid any eggs.
Many tks

Hello Miriam,

As my bio states I am not an avian veterinarian. I cannot diagnose any medical condition. I can guide you in what questions and tests to ask for from your avian veterinarian.

Your bird needs to be seen by an avian veterinarian immediately. My first concern would be that she may be egg bound, a potentially deadly condition without the help of an avian veterinarian. You may need xrays to confirm this. Blood tests will help you determine if there is an active infection. A fecal test will tell you if the cause is a parasite. A cloacal swap will test for bacterial, fungal, or yeast infections.

Is your bird on a healthy diet that consists of pellets, fresh fruits and veggies, seed or nuts as treats only? You'll want to discuss your bird's diet with your avian veterinarian as this will help with the diagnosis.

It looks like you have an avian veterinarian very close to you. Here is the link:

Also here is the link to the Association of Avian Veterinarians.

Please do not wait, your bird needs the care of an avian veterinarian. Make an appointment as soon as the office opens.
