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feding baby love birds

23 10:30:43



Followup To Chrys Thanks Chrys also do i feed them from my left to right of the beak or their left to right? different sites on the web differ.
i really like your site it is a great help to me as it is the first time i have hand raised baby love birds
Question -
how often should i feed 16 and 13 day old baby love birds and how much formula

Answer -
Hi, Kay.  Thanks for posting!

Babies of this age should be fed at least 4 times per day.  The amount you should feed is the amount it takes to fill up each baby's crop and could differ between individual birds.  I'd say about 10-20 cc's (give or take a few cc's) would be the correct amount of formula to feed but, again, feed whatever amount it takes to fill up the crop.

More info about raising/caring for baby birds is on my website...visit if you'd like:


Hi again, Kay.  I'm glad my website is helpful to you.

With the baby facing you, feed right to left.  You want to ensure the food goes down the left side of the baby's esophagus and not the right side...this is why you feed right to left.  Also, in order to close the trachea off (so food doesn't go into the lungs), you need to get a feeding response from each baby before allowing the food to enter the bird's mouth.  A feeding response is when you gently rub the baby's beak on each side so that the baby bobs it's head up and down.  Once the head bobbing starts, you can then feed.  When the babies get a little older, you won't need to get a feeding response first.

Come back if you have further questions.  Congrats on the babies!
