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Cherry headed conure bites self.

23 10:29:45

My bird is a cherry headed conure and she eats parrot diet such as sunflower seeds, little colored thingies dont know what theyre made of corn or something they smell like fruit, and other little seeds. I give her food everyday usually. She is very aggressive and we cannot touch her in any way. I dont think she if scared of anything, but Im no bird expert. She drinks water. We cant give her attention like touching, so we dont really pay her much attention for that reason. I dont know what else to add. It could be that she is bored cause she doesnt have any toys except for her fuzzy bird blankets which she has many of those and loves to cuddle with them. We love her but she doesnt love us lol. Now she has a big wound on her leg it looks kinda nasty, i hope it gets better i dont know what to do! :( Please help.
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My bird bites herself and takes out all her feathers and screams as she bites herself but keeps doing it, why?
You havent given me very much information for me to say why, but in general she is either sick, very unhappy, very scared or very bored. You havent told me about her housing or her diet so its hard for me to help you further. Feel free to give me more information and I will help you further.

She will need to see a vet for the wound on her leg could become infected. She needs to be tested for parasites. It also could be a dietary problem as most birds fed on "parrot mix" lack vitamins and minerals that are obtained from eating fruit, veg, grains and pulses. You need to determine if theres a medical cause for this before you can try to change the environment. See what you vet says and if they say theres no medical cause for it then get back to me. Good luck