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3 yr old princess parrots

23 10:29:19

Hi, just recently I purchased a breeding pair of Princess parrots. They are in
an aviary out the back and I have a pair of budgies that are inside the house. I
was hoping to move the budgies outside but to do so I would have to cage them in
a seperate cage alongside theirs as I assume being budgies they would pester the
princess parrots (or can they be in the same cage?). Will this affect the princess parrots breeding situation? And also just out
of curiosity, at what age do the princess's slow down in their breeding habits?

Hello Kyle and thank you for your post.
I would not house the budgies in the same cage with the princess parrots.  The research that I've done says that Princess Parrots usually are in smaller flocks, but they do stick together.  It is possible that they may kill the budgies.

Here are a couple of links that might help you out.

Good luck and God Bless.