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Mutation help

23 10:18:16

Hi, I just recently got a cockatiel thinking it was Whiteface Lutino, but it turns out that he is not Albino. He has a beige tan on his sides, wing feahters and tail. He does not have red eyes, however, his eyes appear red on the camera. I also live in Canada. I thought he was a Platino, but then one person told me that Platinos are only in Australia. I would really appreciate some help. I have some pics of him on PhotoBucket, here is a link

I have done lots of research, and i have got to the last 2 mutations that i think he can be. Dominant silver double Factor or Platino. ( note: Dominant Silvers have dark beaks and toes, so i can be wrong about that since my cockatiels doesnt have dark feet and beak)

Hello, The picture is a bit dark on this old computer but he is very beautiful...a dark eyed white with beige sides.... sounds like a cinnamon gone ary...I'm not great on cocaktiel mutations I'm much better with budgie and lovebird mutations but... this might help :

lots of grey/white tiels here