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Runny nose

23 10:12:10

My baby parrot is having running nose. its also shedding tears from its eyes i took it to an avian in Madras Veternary College,Tamilnadu, India and got medicines even though its continueing from the past 1 and half week.What shall i do now?

Hi there... you say you took your baby to an veterinarian with bird experience?  What medications did they put your bird on?  Baytril is a common antibiotic used to treat upper respiratory infections and your baby should have started recovering by now.  

If that doc. IS a bird doc, call them back and tell them he's not improved.  If not, get him to a veterinarian that has at least 7 years experience with bird medicine and get him there as soon as you can.  

Good luck and I hope all turns out ok.