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Urgent - African Grey Question

23 10:29:49

Reverend Abbott,

It is Robyn again from Alabama. I am just praying that you are close by and can answer quickly.  

This is what happened.  This afternoon as I was cleaning out Max's cage a co-worker came into the day room and sprayed some air freshener before I could stop her.  All of our housekeepers know not to spray ANTYTHING in the room because of the danger to Max.  Anyway, I hollared as soon as she did it, she is new and did not know.  I got Max out of the room as quickly as I could.  I let up all of the windows and turned on the air conditioner to circulate the air.  I have brought him home with me tonight while the room airs out.  My concern is will the small exposure he had to the small hurt him?  Will it be okay to let him go back in there tomorrow?

Thank you sooo much for your help!


He should be ok.  Let me know how he's acting right now ok?

It should be fine to put him back within a couple hours.  The smell isn't the 'toxin', the toxin is actually pretty short lived and dissipates in the air rather quickly.

Just let me know how he's acting and what the spray is.