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problem with my parrot

23 10:20:17

i have a baby indian ringneck parrot
when it was 2 weeks its parents stop to feeding it and after that i took the baby to handfeeding
it was at bad condition,stand in one feet the other feet hasnt enough power,lithargy, cant stand it head up.
with handfeeding (keytee formula and multi vitamins)the baby goes good and looks healthy, climping at cage many hours in a day.
now it is 8 week and is at weaning state, eat itself (prefer peanuts,fruit and seeds,no so much pellets)but in small quantities. it refuse the handfeeding except at night when i handfeeding it 2 times ( totally 15-20 cc kaytee formula).From yesterday appear the same signs like before, stand in one foot, the other foot hasnt enough power and trembling and doesnt climb to it cage. i am very afraid about that and i dont know what can i do.
I cant find any veterinarian specialist for birds here in greece.Thank you very much for your time and help

Hello Nicholas,

You bird does need to be seen by an avian veterinarian. Unfortunately since I'm here in the US I am not familiar with any in Greece. Some ideas to help you find a vet: go to - there is a link for international. Contact your local zoo, wildlife center, or wildlife rehabilitator. Who is their avian vet? Are there any reptile vets - they sometimes also treat birds. Contact your local cat or dog veterinarians and ask if they have any recommendations.

Good luck in your search.


Follow up - I am sorry you found my answer lacking in knowledge. As I have stated in my bio I am not a veterinarian nor am I an experienced breeder. It would be unethical and possibly harmful for me to give advice on such topics. If you are looking to any of the experts on this site for help, please keep this in mind next time. Thank you.