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cockatoo seizures

23 10:20:16

hi,i have a healthy 6year old cockatoo,but has started having seizures of some sort,she will stay very still then fall off her perch,climb to the side and hang on in a drunk like state untill she comes round,which takes arround ten mins. please can you advise me.many thanks.roger cole  

A seizure is caused by a paroxysmal, uncontrolled transient electrical discharge in the brain.

What you describe does seem to be seizure activity.

There are many possible causes, including central nervous system diseases such as a brain tumor or infection, head trauma, hyperthermia, liver disease, metabolic disturbances (hypocalcemia, hyperglycemia) and toxicity from lead, zinc, aflatoxins and certain insecticides.

If no cause is found after a thorough evaluation, the bird is said to have idiopathic epilepsy.

Linda Pesek, DVM/Avian Board Certified is quoted: "A bird that seizures should have a thorough physical examination, radiographs, hematology and blood chemistry. A complete blood count will reveal whether anemia, inflammation or infection is present. Blood chemistries provide an indication of liver and kidney function and the electrolyte status of the patient. A radiograph may demonstrate the presence of metallic densities in the gastrointestinal tract. Although one cannot rule out the presence of lead or zinc toxicity if no metallic densities are present, finding them leads support to the possibliity of heavy metal poisoning as the cause of the seizures. Definitive diagnosis is based upon the presence of toxic levels of lead and zinc in the blood.

In addition to a baseline complete blood count and chemistry, certain infectious diseases such as chlamydia, polyoma and proventricular dilitation should be ruled out if possible."