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baby sun conure

23 10:15:37

Hi, My husband and i have had a sun conure for about a week. He's 6 weeks old, and i feed him baby parrot formula with a syringe twice a day, 15cc's. Once at 9 and then again at 9. He has m sprays in his cage. The breeder was feeding him 3 times a day but said to go ahead and make it twice. He's been doing fine! However this is our first bird,and i'm worried.t Tonight, I woke him up to feed him, my husband had covered his cage early, so he was already asleep at nine. I don't know if it was because he was sleeping, but he couldn't keep his eyes open, almost like he was in a fog. Instead of standing he would just lay on his stomach. He perched on my finger and hung on good, but i'm still worried. Should I?  Also I keep reading and owners of birds reply to there crop being full. I can't tell if he's eating any of the spray or not. After i feed him his formula he has like a little water balloon on his neck, is that right??? The breeder also told me to start giving him foods, but i can't get him to take anything, he tasted an apple today but wouldn't eat any of it. Please help me!!!! I'm sure I sound like a complete idiot to you. I just want to make sure the little guys ok.
thank you,

You don't sound like a complete idiot at all! Hand feeding is VERY hard to do and to tell the truth, the breeder should have never let you take home an unweaned bird. The little balloon is his full crop. Laying on his stomach isn't always a bad thing for baby birds, but it should still be checked out. The best thing you can do is to take him to an avian vet and have him checked out. Then tell the vet that you're still feeding him (6 weeks is pretty late to start weaning, usually weaning is around 4 weeks) and have the vet show you the proper way and how to properly wean him onto pellets (don't feed him seeds or millet as these cause fatty liver disease). I would tell you how to hand feed him, but it's so hard to describe and once you see how it's done, it'll be much easier to do it yourself.
Good luck with him!