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I need help!

23 10:15:02

My parakeet has fluffed feathers and she is staying at the bottom of the cage. She is also looking down to the ground. I'm worried about her and don't know where a special bird vet is. Is there any way I can treat her sickness at home?

You don't necessarily need a special bird vet. With small birds like this, many 'regular' vets are able to treat them because they are such common and popular pets.

By the time you notice something wrong with a bird, it's something that's been going on for a long time. They are masters at hiding their illnesses because in the wild, the slightest sign of weakness could make them targets of predators.  Birds rarely get a second chance.

 Until morning, try to keep your bird warm and hydrated. Using a clean, small eye dropper, offer a drop of water or two, but be careful not to really force it down the throat or it might be aspirated (breathed into the 'lungs' and cause pneumonia).
 Heat source options would be a heating pad set on LOW (never more than that - you don't want to make things worse) and placed at the outside of the cage where the bird is sitting, or even underneath the cage - should be helpful.  It will also help to cover the cage with a light blocking blanket to help keep the warmth in, but be sure you leave a bit open for air circulation and so the bird doesn't stress by not being able to see out.
  Another heat source you can try is a rice sock. Fill any clean, thick sock with plain uncooked rice and knot the end. Microwave it for about a minute and shake it out to distribute the heat.  Place it IN the cage near the bird. It should hold the heat for a couple hours. You're going to need to sit up all night with this bird and make sure the heat source and hydration continues.
 If she makes through to morning, see the vet first thing! Check your local Pet Smart - they often have a vet service working out of their stores or will have a list of options you might be able to call.  Pet Co might also be able to help.
 I hope she makes it.

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