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nanday conure behavior

23 10:06:30

slowly moves head %26 body around, also fluffs up while doing this .she does not bite during this behavior or show aggression. stretches her wings allot when I interact with her. also at other times she will crouch down & flap her wings once halfway very quickly. sometimes she will strut around & peck rappedly at the floor of her cage. also I had her sexed in 1996 she has never laid any eggs in this time . is this normal and if so why.

 It sounds like bonding or courting behavior.  Moving the head around, probably side to side so you can clearly see her right and then her left is her display of symmetry.  She's showing you that she's "perfect" and both sides of her body are identical which is very desirable in birds.

 The wing stretch and little flap are displays of trust and submission to indicate she feels you're the 'boss' and she's accepted you as leader of the flock.  Even if it's just the two of you.

 Be aware though - if these actions are done while she's got changed droppings or is acting 'off' - they are symptoms of illness and weakness.   You need to trust your own instincts when interpreting a bird's actions.

It's also a very good thing that she hasn't laid any eggs.  Egg laying is a dangerous thing and can lead to serious health complications, even death.

You're doing something right.  Very right!  

So keep it up and check this out for even more