Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Which One ?

Which One ?

23 10:17:12

I am wanting either a parrot or cockatiel, but was wondering which is easier to train.
Have heard so much from different ppl. but am confused about the two. I do have parreekets and love them and have trained to come on my finger. I found a breeder at our local flea market and he tells me I can train one in about three days, is this correct, also he said they were just winged and were about three months old. Can you help me decide which is better, They are both beautiful birds. Thanks..............  Laura   ////

Hi, Laura,

All birds with hooked beaks are parrots, including parakeets.  Therefore, you'll need to be more specific about what you mean by a "parrot."  What kind of parrot?

Parrots can be tame if they were handfed.  If you want a tame bird, you should purchase a just-weaned, handfed, baby parrot from a reputable breeder.  If this breeder is telling you you can train a bird in about 3 days, this tells me these birds are not tame (weren't handfed), and I've never had or seen an untame parrot become tame in 3 days.  I would also be concerned about buying parrots at a flea market.  I recommend you buy from a breeder who doesn't sell their birds at a flea market.  

"Winged"----do you mean "weaned?"  3 months old - I would have to know what species of parrot you are referring to that is just weaned at 3 months of age.  

I do not like to help people decide which bird is right for them unless I know a lot more about you and your lifestyle.  It isn't just about the bird; it's also about how much time you have available to spend with a companion bird, your knowledge of care, etc., what other animals you have in your home....there's lots involved/that you have to take into consideration in purchasing a parrot.
