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cage size

23 10:13:12

What cage size would you reccomend for 3 cockatiels would 30X30X36 be good or would they be cramped - I don't want to just get what will work I want them to have plenty of room to play. Thanks

Bigger is always better, but the smallest I would give them is probably twice the size cage needed for one cockatiel. 30X30X36 is about the minimum so if you already have the cage, you could use it but you want to watch the birds closely to make sure they all are able to move around easily and there isn't any fighting due to space issues. I probably would side with purchasing a cage at least 40" square and Cockatiels LOVE to climb, so the taller the better!
Again, sometimes birds need bigger/smaller cages than others, so just watch them closely and try to get the biggest cage you can.