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love birds versus quaker parrots

23 10:18:17

Hello, I am planning on buying a pet bird for my mother, she is interested in a loving bird to keep her company, and i am wondering what is the difference between the quaker parrot and the love birds? Thank you

A single lovebird is a very loving pet if bought froma  breeder and was handled well and handfed, I've no personal experiance with quakers only I've read on them. I can say that from what I've heard a lovebird is more quite then a quaker quakers tend to chirp most of the time...they are parrakeets related to budgies) they also need a larger cage. Peach faced lovebirds also come in many many colors and are readily avalible then quakers, quakers come in colors as well but not as many and they are very expensive for the color morphs. A handfed lovie will cost you 50-100 dollar a handfed quaker will cost you 250-500 dollars. Lovesbirds also have alot of attitude which makes them very intresting to have around!