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23 10:12:14

can budgies and ringnec parots go in the same avery?

Hi. Thanks for your question.
There are multiple schools of thought in regards to mixing different species of birds. Some say that it is never advised whereas some say that it is okay if they are in a large enough aviary that would permit them to keep their distance from one another or stay bonded with their own flock.  
I almost always advise against mixing bird species.  The saying "birds of a feather flock together" could not be more true. Birds are flock animals and stick together with their own kind.  Budgies being in that close of proximity to Indian ringnecks would NEVER happen in nature. Thus, this "forced" proximity may lead to your birds fighting, becoming territorial, and possibly ostracizing birds of a different species than themselves.  This can result in your birds being injured, killed, placed under severe stress, and in some cases, ostracized birds can starve to death when other birds become territorial of the feeding/watering areas.
I would suggest keeping the budgies and ringnecks in separate aviaries. You can always build one aviary and put a mesh divider in the center. That way, you will only need to build one aviary and your birds can still enjoy one another's "company" without the risk of fighting and other issues related to territoriality.
good luck and i hope this helps!  alicia