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bird bands

23 10:25:25

We have had our marooned bellied conure for about 7 years. she/ he has a band on the leg TR 3 Tx sideways. Maybe IR instead of TR. We are trying to find out how old the bird is and any other information. I have searched the Internet as much as I could. Can you help me with this? Any information would be so appreciated.  

What country are u in? Is the band metal and what colour is it? I thought that the bands are meant to have a number on it to indicate the year of birth. Apart from that most breeders may not use the same bands so it can be very hard to trace them. I have had no luck with my own birds as he has chewed the metal ring and you cant make out any of the letters and numbers so I have just given up. I hope you have more luck than me! Contact your local bird group or any breeders in the area to see if they know what the letters mean.