Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Green Cheek Conure Beak to long

Green Cheek Conure Beak to long

23 10:23:04

I have noticed my Green Cheek Conure has a very long beak that is wrapping around and hitting into his chest.  The vet said that I do not need to trim his beak but I am not sure if that is correct or not.  If this is not then how do I know where and how to trim it?   Thanks a million!

Hi, Tim.  Thanks for posting!

Definitely, yes, you need to trim the beak!  If you don't, the beak will grow into the bird's chest.  How is this bird eating?  You must not be talking with an avian veterinarian.  

Actually, if you have never trimmed a bird's beak before, you need to take the bird to a certified avian veterinarian in order to have it trimmed properly (or a parrot breeder with experience doing this).  I suspect the vet you have spoken with is not a bird vet.  Reason is if you don't know what you are doing when you trim a bird's beak, you can cause more harm than good.  Get your bird to a certified avian veterinarian immediately for a beak trim.
