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Budgie flew away

23 10:34:49


my budgie flew two days ago and I was wondering how much of a chance I got to know it's still alive. I was thinking about posting an ad in the local paper and wondered if it's still worth the effort. How long can budgies survive out there?

The bird in question is 5 years old, cage raised. The current weather in Germany is rather cold, about 5 degrees Celsius (41 Fahreheit)

Thanks, Anika

Hi, Anika.  Thanks for posting your questions.

It depends, Anika, but chances are not good that your budgie will survive.  Parrots can take cold temperatures if they become accustomed to cold temps, but if your budgie was cage raised inside, it's unlikely that it will survive outside.  The bigger problem is going to be finding food, water, and escaping from predators.  A cage-raised bird doesn't know how to find food on it's own, and finding water can also be a problem.  Cage-raised birds also don't know much about avoiding predators.  

There are always exceptions to the above, so I don't want to discourage you from searching for your budgie.  I would not consider it a waste of time.  Parrots always amaze me at how they can adapt to different surroundings.  Who knows, you might find your budgie right away.  I'm assuming the bird's wings were not clipped?  This could have prevented the budgie from flying away.  

In addition to posting an ad in the paper, you might try placing it's cage outside and calling for s/he.  Perhaps s/he is lurking around in the neighborhood.  If s/he hears a familiar voice, s/he might come to the cage.  If your budgie had a companion, taping the companion bird's voice and placing this tape recording close to the cage you place outside, might draw the budgie to the cage if the budgie is still in the area.  Parrots can see/hear from long distances, so don't give up too easily/quickly.  If your budgie found a warm place to stay and has found food/water, it could come back/be found.  Also, someone may have found your budgie and has been keeping s/he safe until they see an ad in the paper or otherwise have a way of finding you.  Therefore, you might contact your local humane society and/or post notices in local pet shops, deliver notices to neighbors, etc.  

I wish you good luck in your search.  I'm sorry your budgie got away...I know how devastating this can be.  
