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Baby Quail Feed

23 10:33:47

Hi there,
We have just had 2 baby quails hatch, but we had to bring them inside as they were near death from the cold.

Just wondering what should i feed them?

if you could get back to me asap!



Hello Nicole and congradulations on your baby buttons!

Be sure to keep them warm... but not too warm, a cardboard box in there cage will keep out drafts(indoors) shavings or old towels will make warm bedding(indoors or out), they can eat everything there perants can, just in smaller amounts and sizes, crush some of the quail feed and serve it to them in a shallow dish or on the floor, you can try giving finch or cnaary seeds and fresh fruit/vegtables as well.... the best thing thou would be the crushed quail feed. Good luck with your little ones.