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Parakeet touble

23 10:29:43

I have had a Blue male Parakeet for about 2 years now.  He never liked coming out of the cage or perching on fingers.  I respected that and have spent time talking to him over the years.  The other day I decided to buy another Parakeet.  She is a young yellow female.  They have gotten along well but I have noticed that the male will clean himself then the female finally attempted to do the same and he started to bite at her.  he has done this during other activities such as if she is on the same Purch and it is  were he wants to go he will bite at her.  I have read that the male is supposed to try and win the females affection and that females are more aggressive then they are.  Not this time.  Help ASAP.  What can I do? I want to avoid separating them.  Thank you!

It will take the male some time to get used to the female as hes spent 2 years on his own and probably doesnt remember what birds are! As long as there is no blood when he pecks at her then they should be ok. Maybe keep them in seperate cages for a few weeks, as its too soon to leave them together incase the worst happens. New birds should really be kept isolated for a few weeks to make sure they have no diseases or parasites. If there is any blood involved then they must be seperated. Good luck