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ring neck

23 10:15:01

we recently bought 3 ring neck parrots.  Can one keep thim in one cage and will they stay tame?

Keeping parrots in a cage isn't going to make a well socialized, healthy bird.  Most parrot owners have their birds out of cage no less than two hours a day, every day; the average is 4 hours.  Our birds are out of cage 7 hours a day, every day.

 Imagine being confined to your bedroom for the rest of your life.  You can look out the windows and door, but you can't step outside of that one room.  Even with all your meals delivered and basic needs met (bathroom, books, t.v.) there's going to be something missing. Exercise, mental challenges, socialization and being touched.

You can find out more how to best care for these intelligent birds here  

There's great pics and details, all free.