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help again

23 10:31:15

what are favorite treats for parakeets also my birds fight what should i do?
                                  thanks again

Hi Christian,

If your birds are fighting, I would separate them into different cages. Or make sure that your cage is big enough so that they have plenty of room to get away from one another. For two parakeets I recommend a cage that is a bare minimum of 18 inches wide by 18 inches deep by 20 inches high. Again, this is the bare minimum, and if they don't get along that well (but you still want to house them together), I would recommend something significantly larger.

Some favorite treats for parakeets includes millet sprays. However, I recommend feeding your budgies (aka: parakeets) lots of fruits and veggies daily, and these foods can also help serve as a "treat" for your bird. They just don't realize how good veggies are for them! :)

I hope this helps.
