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baby cockatiels

23 10:13:18

two of my mature cockatiel have recently hatched their first clutch, yielding two babies.  The first hatched left the breeding box about a week ago, and second followed yesterday.  Although the parents have been very attentive to the older of the two hatchling, with feeding, grooming, and general care giving, this second hatchling seems to be left to its own defenses.  I have not noticed either of the parents feeding it or giving it any care.  What should I do?  The birds are housed in an outdoor aviary about 4 Ft. square, and are fed a combination of both seed and fresh food daily.  Clean fresh water is available at all times.  
Thanking you in advance for your help.
Patricia of Miami

Hello Patricia,

Usually if otherwise good parents do not care for a nestling then often that baby is sick. Please take the baby to your avian veterinarian immediately. Your avian vet will help you learn how to feed and care for the baby yourself.
