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galah cockatoos

23 10:18:30

just bought australian galahs, cock bird is twitching his head like a nervous twitch. what could this problem be?

This could be as minor as what you suspect, a nervous twitch brought on by stress from his new, but major move; however, it could also be an early symptom of something more serious.

Since he's new to you, the first thing you need to do is establish him with an avian (or qualified) vet who knows 'Toos.  We make sure all our rescues see a vet within the first week of coming to us, no matter where they've come from or how healthy they are promised to be.
We have their DNA checked not only to confirm sex, but be sure there's no genetic disorders that might surprise us.

Having a vet you know and who knows your bird is tremendously valuable, especially if you have an emergency (and we all do, at one time or another). These will surely occur in the middle of the night, on a weekend or holiday and a week after you've lost your job and need someone who will cooperate with you regarding care and payments.

 Good luck and congratulations on your new and exciting addition to the family!