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first wing clipping

23 10:17:42


i own a 5.5 week old alexndrine cuty name GREENY....i have a read about wings clipping on ur website and lots of others site...some advise to allow a bird to learn flying and then clip...some advise to clip directly...

could u please advise me as what to do? i sont have a very large cage so how i let him learn to fly? cant take the risk to take him out sides..can i allow him to fly inside the room? ur suggestion please....

Q...2...i can not find a dedicated alexandrines website..all websites just have a  page or two abt them but not much details...any url?



Hello again Shahid.
Wing clipping is a good thing to do if you want to let your bird have the run of the house.  It is also useful for taming/training purposes.
Here is a site that will explain in detail how to clip your bird's wings.

The closest site that I could find for your other question is the following URL.

I hope this helps.

God Bless.