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help for hormonal cockatoo

23 10:06:29

I have had a wonderful Goffin male 16 years old or so that goes hormonal as most birds do in the spring time but this poor guy starts breaking his feathers off and nesting and screaming.  I can handle all that and obviously have since I have had him for years but I am wondering if there is any form of homeopathic or natural hormone balancing tonic for cockatoos.  or anything that could mellow this little guy out naturally until this high peak time passes.  any info is much appreciated.  Just curious

Well I do not recommend giving them anything to "settle them down" because this is a natural thing that they are going through. However, with the feathers, make sure you are giving him lots to chew on OTHER than his feathers, such as phone books, and many shred-able toys. He needs to have lots of things to keep that beak busy. I would also like to refer you to as there are many other people on there who have hormonal cockatoos there and you can see what they are doing for theirs.

Thanks and good luck!