Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > where to find cheap birds?

where to find cheap birds?

23 10:34:34

Followup To
Question -
    I'm not sure where to find a parrot or african grey and I also don't know how much.  Can you help?  I need one near Palmerton, too.  And I don't know if this is possible, but can you send a picture of a female parrot or african grey?Thanx.          ~Justine~
Answer -
Hi Justine

well frist there is no cheap birds
greys run about 300-$600
other birds go up from there
small birds run about 35.-75.
no we can not send pictures through here. go to the book store and look for books.
do you have pet stores near by.
newspapers  under birds or pets.
look up on the internet for pictures
take care and good luck
do alot of reading before you buy a parrot
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanx for the advice.  We do have pet stores around here but I can't go to them because the animals there are always so cute so I want to buy them . . . but there too much.   Thanx any ways.    ~Justine~

Hi Justine

I know what you mean about the pet store I'm the same way.
If I had a large home I would bring them all home.
we have got some of our birds in the newspaper. and then we have gotten some from friends friends.

have a good new year