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my budie bites

23 10:32:34

a while ago i had a baby budgie who didnt know how to eat  or anything but the he flew awayt veen though he was so tame it took me ages to get over him he was the best budgie he didnt bite.
but my new one does. i have only got my budgie about a month ago now but he bites really really hard i dont know what to do? i dont know how to stop? him do u know how? and if he keps it up should i get him a friend and get one of the babies?
by the way im only 11
love always tayah

If you have only had your budgie about a month I wouldn't give up just yet. Many birds will bite when you first get them and some will bite if you lift them but you can train them to go onto your hand using treats and then they will happily sit there and enjoy your company. The more time you spend interacting with your budgie, the more it will grow to like you, its probably just nervous. Talk to it gently and try to offer treats from your hand. Hand taming can be a long process and requires a lot of patience. On the bright side, at least it is a budgie and not one of the large parrots, bites from a budgie won't really do serious harm in the way a bite from one of the larger parrots would. Once he learns that you are not afraid of him biting you then he may stop. I once looked after some bugies that would bite every time I lifted them but the bite wasn't really that sore, it was just them being a bit cheeky. If you do decide to get a baby, never get a bird that can't feed itself and isn't weaned, they really should never be sold at this young age because they can starve to death or get an infection and die. I would just stick with the one you have because you know he is heathly and strong he just needs some time and gentle handling to get him to calm down. With time he will grow attached to you and will love spending time with you, it can be disappointing at the start when your new pet isn't as hoped but that doesn't mean that things can't change. Try to make sure your budgie has plenty to do, there are little playstands that you can get for out of the cage, that way he will love coming out of the cage because it is so much fun. If you have any more questions just ask, I hope that your budgie calms down a bit and becomes the ideal pet. Good luck!