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Cockteil unfertilized egg laying

23 10:12:13

My bird is a healthy 6 Ayers old. She has no exposure to other birds. Since I bought this mirror my female cockatiel has been laying eggs.  She layed 3 eggs four weeks ago.  I had removed those once she lost interest. It is now only a week since I removed them, and she layed another one. Before that she layed only 2 others 3 years ago.  How often do you think this will happen?  Is this unhealthy for my bird?  Do you think I should remove the mirror.

Thank you in advance for your response.

Hi, Robert,

Yes, remove the mirror.  Your bird doesn't understand the concept of mirrors.  Therefore, what she sees in the mirror is another (live) bird to her.  This causes her hormones to become active, thus, the infertile egg laying.  When she does lay eggs, do not remove them.  Let them be until she abandons them on her own.  When you remove them, she will continue to lay and lay until she has a full clutch.  Allow her to incubate them or whatever and then when she abandons them on her own, you can remove them.  Yes, excessive egg laying can be detrimental to your bird's health.  Be sure to keep cuttlebone in her cage at all times to replace any calcium loss.  Reduce her available light source to 10-12 hours per day (or 8-10 hours if necessary).  
