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my indian ringneckparrot

23 10:12:12

ok heres the deal, i have a Indian ringneck named Chile. i love her soooo much. i got her for a B-day present 2 years ago but theres a couple of problems and i have two questions Indian ringneck ( Chile) destroys my room, tears the corners of my window sills apart ripping the drywall out and chewing on my curtains ripping them two he has toys i give him attention and i don't know what to do

2. Chile also rakes out ALL the food in his bowl i change foods but he keeps doing it what do i do.
if U could please answer theses question i would love it thanks

Hi there...

Well, parrots are messy eaters.  There's no getting around that.  Depending on what kind of cage you have... you can try getting deeper food bowls. or the kind that have covers over the top of them.  Other than that, there's really no other way to prevent this.  One of the many joys of living with a bird!

Is your bird flighted?  Does he fly around freely?  If so, you may want to consider having your avian vet clip his flight feathers so if he does fly, he only floats gently to the ground.  Be sure a vet does this as it is a delicate procedure unless you know what you're doing.  He'll probably try to fly around as usual, but will quickly learn he cannot get around as he used to and will probably be ok with hanging out on his cage more often.  Try to make sure he gets at LEAST an hour of direct interaction time with you every day... if not more.  

Be sure your baby has a large enough cage and that there is some type of playtop on the top of it.  If your cage didn't come with one, you should consider buying one to set on top so when he's outside of his cage, he can go up there to play.  Also get some foot toys to lay on top of his cage to keep him occupied up there as well.  

Be careful with what he gets his beak on... drywall can be deadly if it's injested as it contains zinc in it.  Another great product out there for birds that love to chew are Pinatas and "Shreddables" palm frond ribbons... sold at most post stores.

Good luck!