Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Screaming


23 10:12:12

Hi, I have a 6.5 yr old Meyer parrot and have had him since he was almost 3 months old.  Not sure that he is a he or she but no egg laying yet.  He's on Harrison's pellet diet with fresh fruits and veggies and other healthy treats.

Ok a week and a half ago he started screaming big time.  I know it's spring and this is usually when he starts to get crazy but the screaming is killing me.  Every little thing is screamed at and even when there's nothing going on he screams just to scream.

He's always enjoyed a lot of out of cage time.  Basically all his life, the only time he goes in his cage is when I can't be around to watch him (I leave the house) or a night when it's bed time.  He gets his 12 - 14 hours of sleep every night and we have lots of time together playing peek a boo under the blankets when I'm getting ready in the morning  and he showers almost every day with me, sits on my chair or shoulder while I'm working in my home office and of course we play and cuddle while watching tv at night.

The only thing that's changed is the fact that it's spring.  However, he's getting carried away with all the screaming.  I try to wait until he's stopped before picking him up off his play stand but he screams soo much!

Ok, right now we live with my parents and well...they don't really like him especially my dad.  So of course when ever he comes near me or is coming in the house or even passes by my office door...guess who lets out an atrocious scream.  I can kind of understand the warning from Max (my bird) but really it's not like my father is going to attack.  I generally wait for a quiet second and try talking to Max or whistling a tune...this rarely helps.

Any suggestions?  


Hi there -- you said "right now" you live with your parents.  How long have you been at your parents house?  If you moved there after last summer, that could have something to do with this combined with spring/hormones.  Have you made any subtle changes around him at all lately?  Dye your hair, rearrange the room he's in?  Any routine chainges?  Has anyone teased him or handled him in a stressful manner for him?  Anything that has changed, even if it's insignificant, can set Max off.  

I highly suggest taking him for a check up with a good avian vet and ruling out any medical causes (exam, fecal test, and a basic cbc/chem panel blood test).  Are you seeing any other signs that he may not be feeling too hot?  ANY slight changes in his appearance and demeanor other than the screaming?  

When he does scream, you should not react to it at all.  Don't say any thing to him, shhhsh him or go up to him (as you said you don't).  As SOON as he's done, praise him verbally and go get him up off his cage.  By the sound of it, he's very bonded to you - so you can also try very short time outs.  Without saying anything, place him in his cage, close the door and just turn your back to him for about 30 seconds to a minute... if he's quiet at that time, take him out and verbally praise him... perhaps spend a few minutes playing or snuggling with him.  Verbal praise alone may not work with him - you may need to interact directly with him to reward him.

When you leave the room, try to listen out for a squawk or a chirp that you can immitate directly after him as a "contact call".  A nice pleasant noise that you can immediately do back to him so he knows you're ok.  I have one of these with each of my birds and it's really helped with my Cherry Head Conure who was formerly a screamer.  

Another thing to try is setting up small play areas around the house.  Something he can hangout on and be a part of his human family.  Birds are flock animals and it may be a possibility that he's a little lonely.  If he is not currently set up in the main area of the house - where your family hangs out most often - is there a chance you can try that for a while?  They like to be in the thick of things, provided it's a safe environment for them.

If you try these things and they don't seem to work - I would highly advise you to come to and post your problem there.  I am a member there (wondermomma is my username there) and have received lots of great advice from fellow bird owners and have made many friends!

Thanks for writing and let me know if I can help further.