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seizures in parakeets

23 10:14:14

Hi...I have a blue and white parakeet named Robin...he/she is somewhere between 8 and 10 yrs old...this bird has been strange from the hanging upside down like a bat and spreading his/her wings when he/she did not want anyone near the cage..however for about the last 2 to 3 months...on three different occasions...Robin would start screaming and then become paralyzed on one side...the 1st time we though the bird was dying...after about two days he was able to get on the perch and within the week Robin was able to start singing and be his/her old self...Robin had a 2nd episode and then got better...Robin is in his third episode of this paralysis I am not sure if he/she is in pain..can he/she be having stroke?...or some type of seizure...right now my son is trying to soothe him..but his eyes look so tried...any advice will be appreciated...thank you...Joyce

Hi, Joyce,

You need to get this bird to a certified avian veterinarian right away.  Your bird could be having a stroke, heart attack, seizure or other.  Do not hesitate seeking medical attention for this bird ASAP or you could lose this bird.
