Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Cockatiel success! :D

Cockatiel success! :D

23 10:07:03

QUESTION: Hey!.he finally came out! i let him wander around from 11am to 3:00 pm (most of the time he just goes to one place and stands there for like 30 minutes without moving... i have to come next to him to make him explore more a bit) giving him some treats when he let me. when i want to pet him, he runs away from me. i really dont kno what to do. and sometimes when im just next to him and talking softly, he just flies away from me . and it scares me sometimes because its unexpected. it doesnt want to have any training session with me. so finally at 3 pm, i took him and put him back in his cage. any help to actually get a training session by tomorrow? please let me know.

ANSWER: That is great that he finally came out of his cage! Wonderful! However, like I said before, let him feel comfortable. He needs to get settled in before you can start training. The training begins with him adjusting to you. You need to condition yourself the the flying because you spook him then he spooks you and then he is spooked again. If he flies try to just stay were you were and say calming things to him. He still needs to know that you are not going to hurt him. Remember, some birds take as much as 2-3 weeks to settle into their new environment.

Again Good Luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i know! since he is handfed, he is pretty muuuch tamed because Today again he came out. its like a routine for him now. when i wake up, he stays in the front of the cage's door and flies left and right to indicate he wants to come out. so i open the door again and he flew. and once he flew, he went into this little playhouse i had for him and stayed there for 4 hours. in between, i have this drill i have been working with him. my finger comes and pets him on the head, without him raising his beak OR biting at all, then he gets a treat . now he seems to enjoy it. How do i know he is settled in trusting me? when he comes to me or what? when my hand comes in his cage he doesnt freak out he just stays there and look.

ANSWER: That is really good, it seems like his is now trusting you if he is allowing you to pet him on the head and such. You are doing a great job! I am very happy for you two!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So is the first step getting him to step up on my finger from the top of the cage?

Yes and No to this question. The first step is getting this bird to trust and and by working with him like you have been doing it sounds like you are going in the right direction. Keep at it, do not jump ahead of yourself and try to get him to step up when you can tell he is still afraid, that will put you back to square one. Now that he is coming to you for head scratches he may be ready to step up with in the next week or so but his is all about trust and I cannot tell you when he is going to feel comfortable enough to do a behavior such as stepping up.