Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > conjure


23 10:12:47

my sun Conjure got attacked by my female Electus because he got inside her
cage. he has a broken or injured talon. He does not want to use that leg.
Can I give him a small amt of ASA asparin for pain?

Just because a parrot is injured doesn't mean they're feeling pain. At least not pain like humans might experience.

Keep in mind that not using a limb really doesn't necessarily mean anything more than it cannot be used.

 Giving an avian medication is tricky and should be limited to careful regulation based on gram weight by a certified avian vet or DVM well experienced with bird care.  

I wish I could help, but it wouldn't be prudent to recommend giving what is a blood thinner (aspirin) to a bird with an injury like this.

 He needs to be seen and evaluated.  Until then, just keep him as comfortable as possible, perhaps providing rope perches that his good foot can wrap 1/2 way around for good support.  Keep his food/water dishes near him so he doesn't have to move around too much and really, have him seen before it gets to a point that treatment will be complicated.

Good luck and God bless,