Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Budgies, Cockatiels or Lovebirds?

Budgies, Cockatiels or Lovebirds?

23 10:12:47

I really want a pet bird, one that is cuddly and doesnt really bite hard. I am in between these three and im not sure which one to get. do they all have to be in pairs? i would spend alot of time withthem but still. which is more friendly and cuddly ? thank you!!!!:)

One of the best first birds that can be very affectionate are cockatiels.  Like any bird though, they require daily attention in order to be friendly - and that means no less than 4 to 8 hours a day out of cage.  

While 'tiels can bite pretty hard, if they're hand tamed to begin with and you take your time with them once they are introduced to your home - it's highly unlikely you'll be bitten.  I own an animal rescue and specialize in larger birds - like macaws which can crack palm nuts in their massive beaks.  Putting it in perspective, getting bit by a 'tiel is nothing more than a pinch.

Before you invest in any bird, please take a look here first  (click on bird tab)