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Parkeets breeding

23 10:23:39

I have a pair of parakeets that laid eggs.  I put up a nesting box and everything seemed fine but suddenly the male fought with the female, I separated them when I realized he was killing her...I've since taken out the eggs, the birds are now separated...Is there any chance I will be able to put these two birds in the same cage again?  They have lived together for several years..Thanks so much


Unfortunately, it is impossible for me to tell you whether these birds will ever be able to be housed together, since I have not seen them interact, and I'm not sure what he was doing (and I couldn't observe) when he was "killing her."

If the female was injured, hopefully you have already taken her to see an avian vet to get checked out and receive any treatment she might need. Once healed, you can try putting the birds' cages near one another and try introducing them again, as if you were introducing two birds who had never met before. I would also try to figure out if there were any changes in their environment that might have stressed them out to cause the male's aggressive behavior (besides the addition of a nest box and laying eggs).

I would not recommend trying to breed this pair again, however, with a slow introduction, they could possibly live together again, if they have a history of being well-bonded (preening and feeding each other) before the incident you mentioned in your question.

I hope this helps. And good luck! :)
