Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > feather loss in amazon

feather loss in amazon

23 10:31:07

I have been away for a few days.  When I returned home I noticed my parrot had bare spots on either side of his face around the ears.  I'm not sure whether this might be from mites or if it's a nutritional problem.  Do you know what this is and how serious it is?  

 With so little information to go on, I really ca't tell you what the problem is. No way for me to determine if it is nutritional when I don't have information on the birds diet. I can't tell if it might be mites without knowing how he is caged, how clean his cage is kept, what toys he has, how old he is, etc.....  You also have not told me whether or not you see anything else unusual going on with the bird.

 Please realize that when you ask something like this over the internet you need to give as much information as possible. I can't see your bird or it's living conditions amd so have no way to know what or how serious a problem there is, or even if there is a problem without much more info.

I will be glad to make an educated guess (I am not a vetrinarian so can not make a diagnosis) but will need information as I have described above to do so.

