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Budgies and cockatiel

23 10:33:57

I have 2 parakeets and a cockatiel living together in a cage that cost me $200. They all seem pretty happy. The budgies are not very trusting of people, but will usually get on my finger. The cockatiel is not tame at all. I rescued them all from a neglectful situation. The budgies are best pals, but Jack, the cockatiel is left out. I would like to get another cockatiel and add it to the cage. Do you think the others would accept it? I would also like a better relationship with them all, do you have any advice for taming them? None of them have clipped wings, and like to fly around.


Dear Emily,
thank you for your question.
It's a very good idea to get another cockatiel. I'm sure Jack will be happy about this and will accept the other cockatiel without problems.
I'm not so sure about the budgies - they might not like the new cockatiel or he/she will not like them - not all budgies and cockatiels get along. It might also be that Jack and the budgies will fight one day and then the budgies might be hurt. I would recommend getting another (smaller) cage for the budgies and moving them there while the cockatiels keep the bigger cage. Since they are allowed to fly, the cage doesn't need to be that huge, for example 2x1.5x1.5 ft in length, width and height.
When introducing the new cockatiel, borrow another cage from someone, it can be small. Put the new bird in there and place the cage next to the big cage so that the birds can get used to each other. After a day or so (sooner, if they seem to be interested in each other), let them all fly together. They will probably move together in no time.

For taming, you need lots of patience and something that Jack likes to eat (the budgies will probably go for millet spray). Offer it on your hand in front of the cage. Never reach into the cage except for cleaning and changing food and water, it's the bird's home and they must feel safe in it. It might take a while, but they will come and eat. Do this a few times and then try to move your hand around a bit. That way the birds get used to your hand and will come eventually without food.

Clicker training is another good method of bird taming. Here you will find a few infos on this:
In short, the birds do something you want, you click (with a clicker, can be bought in pet shops or on ebay) and offer a treat. The birds learns: I did this and got a treat for it. So let's do it again.
If the birds don't take food from your hand, put a treat in a small bowl, then click and wait until they eat the food. Repeat this a few times, then the birds know where they will find the treat after the click.
I hope I was of some help to you