Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > 6 Months old African Grey Parrot

6 Months old African Grey Parrot

23 10:30:42

  First of all i like to thank u people for doing a great service. At least we have a site from where we can find out problems of our pets.
QUESTION:-  Sir my question is that i bought an African Grey Parrot of approximately 6 months. It is not much human friendly. I wana know that older African Grey Parrots (if made human friendly by taming) can learn how to speak? or it is just baby African Greys who can learn to talk?
     Thank U so very much for giving ur precious time. May God bless u. Bye  

Hello Shani and thank you for your questions,

The best age for talking is 6 months and up, I'm not sure how old your grey is but genrally greays are great talkers...some untame birds are even noted to ahev started talking, please understand thou that even thou they african grey is the most renowned talker in teh parrot world...not all greys do talk.