Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > grey PARROT


23 10:23:06

mY PARROT HAS LOST ALOT OF HIS FEATHERS ON HIS CHEST AND DOWN THE MIDDLE OF HIS BACK. hIS HEAD AND WINGS LOOK JUST FINE. What can I do for him.Iv;e never had this problem with him before and I have had him for over 8 years. Thanks

Hello Robin and thank you for your post.
It sound like your bird is plucking his/her own feathers out.  Parrots do this for many reasons, but it is usually caused from a lack of stimulation.  He might be bored.  Try rearranging the toys in his cage, teach him some new tricks and/or songs.  Spending more time with him may be all that's needed.
Also, have you recently used any kind of room fresheners, candles, perfumes, hair sprays, and so on?  Things like this can irritate a bird's skin, which will also cause self mutilation.  Stress is another factor, have there been any recent changes in your home (new baby, another pet, a new person)?  
Just make sure to spend a lot of time with him, and he should be fine.  If he continues to pluck his feathers out in the next couple of days, take him into a Certified Avian/Exotic animal Vet and have him checked for parasites.  This is a simple test, it's not expensive, and it's painless for the bird.

Please keep me updated on his condition.

Good luck and God Bless.