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wanted to know lovebirds

23 10:22:55

hi, i bought a pair of Blue Masked Lovebird
Agapornis p. personata var. from market yesterdays but when i was putting in the feed one of them escaped i think a male,now i want to buy a male for the female left but its really expencive and i donot have the money to buy anthor blue masked . so is it possible to keep another color mutation with this feamle, if yes then which color. i'll be wait for ur rply,
thank you.

Hi, Affanehsan.  Thanks for posting!

You can buy any color mutation as long as you don't allow them to breed.  You should not cross-breed (hybridize) your lovebirds.  I know some people do cross-breed them, but you really need to keep the gene pool pure.  I would buy another blue masked male and then be more careful so they won't escape.
