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about cockatiels

23 10:30:57

hi i have four birs 2 tiels and two budgies in one big cage is it bad that i have all my perches at the top of the cage also what water containers do birds like best and how do i tell if my bird is pregnant.furthermore i would like to ask ,i have 2 cockatiels a female and a male will they have babies for certain also if they are goin to lay eggs do i need a nesting box.
thanks panayioti

Hello and thank you for your questions, Depending on the size of the cage it may or not be bad, some times budgies pick at cockatiels also andn they need to live seperate but if the cage is large enough and they are getting along ok I see no reason to seperate them. Yes nesting bozxes are needed if you want tehm to sucsefully lay and hatch there eggs, The budgies might bother them while nesting thou and I would persoanl;ly seperate them until there done laying/incubating and rearing there clutches(no mroe then two a year is best)