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Congo African Gray Hates my husband

23 10:32:40

It is soo wonderful that you are taking your time like this for us.  The suggestions you made, alas, are already in play.  Mac is "in bed" at 10 every night and awake at 10 each morning.  Due to the strict schedule that I require for special medications, Mac has gotten used to this all his life with us.  He starts saying Night-night about 5 mins before bed.  Scott can actually rub Mac's toes through the bars of his cage, it is as if Mac knows he will only hurt himself if he lunges at the cage bars, and he mimicks scotts soft little hellloooo's any time he sees him.  It is just when he is out of his cage.  Scott is on the road now for 4 weeks at a time and then home for 7 days, and what we have had to resort to is Mac being confined to his play house during the time that Scott is home.  Mac got used to this with no problems either.  When Scott is home, Mac will not ask to "come out"  When Scott heads back out on the road, Mac's first words in the morning, are OUT, out.  In the 6 years this has being going on, I have just about torn my hair out, trying different ways to get Mac to accept him.
I have spoken to avian specialists at zoo's across Canada, written to Dr. Pepperburg, you name it.  We have more or les come to the conclusion that, like some people, not everyone like everyone else...and in Mac's case, that seems to be very true.  I do very much appreciate all the time and effort you have taken.  I truely do.

It sounds like all efforts have been exhausted. If Mac will have a better life with your daughter, perhaps it's the only option left.  Does she want him and will she indulge him? Is she close enough for this to be done gradually? Spending a couple days there while your husband's home, having you visit him (Mac) there and so on.
It's not absolutely necessary to do this. Birds are remarkably adaptable, even after many years with one household, especially when it's been a good one like yours.

By the way - you really have been an obviously good home. One of the most significant signs is that you provided a 'sleep cage'/schedule. It shows you respect Mac and that's truly wonderful.

If you ever have any questions that I may be able to help with or be your sounding-board on, please feel free.

Good luck!