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My Eclectus Parrot

23 10:16:42

Hi i just got a 3 year old Ecelectus parrot, i ordered a 3ft by 4ft by 5foot cage and he keeps eating, i was wondering if i could over feed him or anything, ive been staying away from salty and sweet foods. hes the coolest pet ever and i wanna make sure im taking the best care possible

No, birds don't overeat so don't worry about that. Make sure you leave food in the cage all day because birds will eat all day long. Make sure he's on a PELLET diet and NOT a seed one (no matter what companies or pet stores tell you) because it gives the bird fatty liver disease. I suggest putting him on roudybush pellets because they're natural, you don't have to feed him any extra vitamin supplements, and birds LOVE the pellets. They smell good, but don't try them...they don't taste as good as they smell (trust me). Do NOT give him kaytee or sunseed brand food because the factories don't sanitize very well and lots of birds (good luck finding these research studies, Kaytee pays to cover them up well) actually get diseases from the bacteria in the food!